





5月28日,发表在Aging Cell杂志上题为“Social stress shortens lifespan in mice”的研究中,来自明尼苏达大学医学院的科学家们证明,持久的社会压力会导致小鼠寿命缩短,并增加患心血管疾病的风险。


Stress and low socioeconomic status in humans confer increased vulnerability to morbidity and mortality. However, this association is not mechanistically understood nor has its causation been explored in animal models thus far. Recently, cellular senescence has been suggested as a potential mechanism linking lifelong stress to age-related diseases and shorter life expectancy in humans. Here, we established a causal role for lifelong social stress on shortening lifespan and increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease in mice. Specifically, we developed a lifelong chronic psychosocial stress model in which male mouse aggressive behavior is used to study the impact of negative social confrontations on healthspan and lifespan. C57BL/6J mice identified through unbiased cluster analysis for receiving high while exhibiting low aggression, or identified as subordinate based on an ethologic criterion, had lower median and maximal lifespan, and developed earlier onset of several organ pathologies in the presence of a cellular senescence signature. Critically, subordinate mice developed spontaneous early-stage atherosclerotic lesions of the aortic sinuses characterized by significant immune cells infiltration and sporadic rupture and calcification, none of which was found in dominant subjects. In conclusion, we present here the first rodent model to study and mechanistically dissect the impact of chronic stress on lifespan and disease of aging. These data highlight a conserved role for social stress and low social status on shortening lifespan and increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease in mammals and identify a potential mechanistic link for this complex phenomenon.


具体来说,在这项研究中,科学家们通过让雄性小鼠非常靠近另一只小鼠,并量化攻击和顺从行为标志物(aggression and submissive behavioral markers)来模拟心理社会压力。


领导该研究的Alessandro Bartolomucci博士说:“尽管这一现象先前已经为大家所知,且在许多关于慢性压力和社会经济地位低下对人类健康影响的、具有里程碑意义的研究中得到了证实,但由于这些发现从未在任何动物模型中被重复,因此,压力与衰老和生存之间的关联机制仍不清楚。而这正是我们研究的切入点。”






2月6日,发表在Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience上题为“Molecular Characterization of GABA-A Receptor Subunit Diversity within Major Peripheral Organs and Their Plasticity in Response to Early Life Psychosocial Stress”的研究中,科学家们找到了首个证据,证明婴儿时期的情绪压力对身体有重大且深远的影响,甚至可能在以后的生活中导致疾病。

Researchers Dr Mohsen Seifi, left, and Adina Gibbard, who is now studying for her PhD(图片来源:University of Portsmouth)


Gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA) subtype A receptors (GABAARs) are integral membrane ion channels composed of five individual proteins or subunits. Up to 19 different GABAAR subunits (α1–6, β1–3, γ1–3, δ, ε, θ, π, and ρ1–3) have been identified, resulting in anatomically, physiologically, and pharmacologically distinct multiple receptor subtypes, and therefore GABA-mediated inhibition, across the central nervous system (CNS). Additionally, GABAAR-modulating drugs are important tools in clinical medicine, although their use is limited by adverse effects. While significant advances have been made in terms of characterizing the GABAAR system within the brain, relatively less is known about the molecular phenotypes within the peripheral nervous system of major organ systems. This represents a potentially missed therapeutic opportunity in terms of utilizing or repurposing clinically available GABAAR drugs, as well as promising research compounds discarded due to their poor CNS penetrance, for the treatment of peripheral disorders. In addition, a broader understanding of the peripheral GABAAR subtype repertoires will contribute to the design of therapies which minimize peripheral side-effects when treating CNS disorders. We have recently provided a high resolution molecular and function characterization of the GABAARs within the enteric nervous system of the mouse colon. In this study, the aim was to determine the constituent GABAAR subunit expression profiles of the mouse bladder, heart, liver, kidney, lung, and stomach, using reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction and western blotting with brain as control. The data indicate that while some subunits are expressed widely across various organs (α3–5), others are restricted to individual organs (γ2, only stomach). Furthermore, we demonstrate complex organ-specific developmental expression plasticity of the transporters which determine the chloride gradient within cells, and therefore whether GABAAR activation has a depolarizing or hyperpolarizing effect. Finally, we demonstrate that prior exposure to early life psychosocial stress induces significant changes in peripheral GABAAR subunit expression and chloride transporters, in an organ- and subunit-specific manner. Collectively, the data demonstrate the molecular diversity of the peripheral GABAAR system and how this changes dynamically in response to life experience. This provides a molecular platform for functional analyses of the GABA–GABAAR system in health, and in diseases affecting various peripheral organs.

领导该研究的Mohsen Seifi博士说:“长期以来人们已经知道,童年的逆境(如忽视或虐待)会使人在以后的生活中更易患一系列的疾病,包括精神疾病(如焦虑)、心血管疾病或代谢紊乱。然而,这种情绪压力是如何影响身体内不同器官的正常功能的依然难以捉摸,这也阻碍了有效药物的开发。”

Microscopic image of the GABAA receptor in the mouse intestine(图片来源:University of Portsmouth)



The GABAA receptor CREDIT: Wikipedia

参与该研究的Jerome Swinny博士说:“我们先前知道,GABAA受体能够控制大脑活动,且是现代医学中用于治疗脑部疾病(如癫痫、焦虑)的多种药物的重要靶点。但在该研究中,我们惊讶地发现,这些蛋白质也会在大脑之外如此广泛地表达。压力诱导的GABAA受体数量的显著变化是耐人寻味的。我们认为,这种变化将改变器官的功能,从而导致器官疾病。”







2017年11月8日,发表在Science Translational Medicine上题为“Stress hormones promote EGFR inhibitor resistance in NSCLC: Implications for combinations with β-blockers”的研究中,来自MD安德森癌症中心的科学家们发现,压力会导致肺癌耐药性的发生,加速癌细胞的生长。而一类缓解压力的常规药物能够起到增强抗癌药疗效的作用。

图片来源:Science Translational Medicine(DOI: 10.1126/scitranslmed.aao4307)


Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) resistance mediated by T790M-independent mechanisms remains a major challenge in the treatment of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). We identified a targetable mechanism of EGFR inhibitor resistance whereby stress hormones activate β2-adrenergic receptors (β2-ARs) on NSCLC cells, which cooperatively signal with mutant EGFR, resulting in the inactivation of the tumor suppressor, liver kinase B1 (LKB1), and subsequently induce interleukin-6 (IL-6) expression. We show that stress and β2-AR activation promote tumor growth and EGFR inhibitor resistance, which can be abrogated with β-blockers or IL-6 inhibition. IL-6 was associated with a worse outcome in EGFR TKI-treated NSCLC patients, and β-blocker use was associated with lower IL-6 concentrations and improved benefit from EGFR inhibitors. These findings provide evidence that chronic stress hormones promote EGFR TKI resistance via β2-AR signaling by an LKB1/CREB (cyclic adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate response element-binding protein)/IL-6-dependent mechanism and suggest that combinations of β-blockers with EGFR TKIs merit further investigation as a strategy to abrogate resistance.

“在你身体里感知压力的受体,也同样存在于癌细胞表面,并且能‘激活’这些癌细胞。” 该研究的第一作者Monique Nilsson博士说。(点击《Science子刊:压力可激活癌细胞,请轻松生活》查看关于该研究的详细报道。)









