
1. 沃尔玛与家乐福的物流系统比较分析
Comparison and Analysis on the Logistics Systems of Wal-Mart (China) and Carrefour (China)
2. 开放背景下我国保险服务营销策略研究
Research on the Marketing Strategies for Insurance Services in China under Opening-up Circumstances
3. 对外贸易面临的国际竞争态势与发展战略及对策
The International Competition Situation Chinese Foreign Trade Faces and the Developmental strategy and the Countermeasures
4. 企业管理人员核心素质开发研究
A study on enterprise management staff’s core competences development
5. 企业管理人员工作压力与工作效率研究
A study on the work stress and performance of enterprise managers
6. 外资快餐业在的发展
Development of Foreign-funded Fast Food Restaurant in China
7. 商务英语和普通英语的比较
Comparison between Business English and Normal English
8. 可口可乐在的营销策略
Coca-Cola’s Marketing Strategies in China
9. 广告英语的文体特征
The Stylistic Features of Advertisement English
10. 广告英语翻译中的文化因素
Cultural Factors in the Translation of Advertisement English
11. 沃尔玛的管理策略
The Management Strategies of Wal-Mart
12. 电子商务发展中的问题及其有效对策
Problems of Developing E-commerce and the Effective Measures to be Taken
13. 新产品的有效策略
Effective New Products Pricing Strategies
14. 浅析KFC的人力资源管理
An Analysis of KFC’s Human Resource Management in China
15. 美元贬值对经济的影响
The Depreciation of USD and It’s Effects on China’s Economy
16. 论顾客忠诚度的培养——以XXX为例
On the formation of customer loyalty— A case study of XXX
17. 国美的低价营销策略与企业可持续竞争优势
The low-price marketing strategy and sustainable competitive advantage—A case study of Guomei
18. 进入WTO后对国内中小企业的影响
The Risk to Domestic Small And Medium-sized Private Enterprises after China Entering the WTO
19. 浅析必胜客的“欢乐餐厅”市场策略
An Analysis of Pizza-Hut’ Marketing Strategy – Happy Restaurant
20. On the Benefits and Costs of FDI to Host Countries: in Case of China
21. On the Future of the WTO: Unresolved and the Doha
22. The Research on the Entry Modes of Multi-national Enterprises
23. An overview of Trade Theory
24. On the China’s Opportunities and Threats of the Regional Corporation with ASEAN
25. On the Benefits and Costs of FDI to Home Countries: in case of China
26. Multinational Corporations Help China Develop Its Economy
27. The Translation Techniques in the International Business Contracts
28. Globalization Brings Healthy Economic Development to the Developing Nations
29. China’s Strengths and Weaknesses in the World Economy
30. The Enterprise Cultures of Us-based MNCs Investing in China
31. 商务合同英译应注意的问题
On the issues of business contracts translation from English into Chinese
32. 英文函电中四字格词组的汉译英
On the translation of Four-Character phrases in English Correspondence from Chinese into English
33. 谈谈经贸英语翻译的原则
On the Principles of Translation in International Business
34. 外经贸英语翻译中的词义处理
On the words & expressions translation in International Business Contract
35. 文化差异与经贸英语翻译
On the Cultural difference English translation in International Business
36. 浅议经贸英语中语境因素的作用
A Brief Talk on the Language Context Effect in Business Negotiation
37. 试论经贸英语翻译的标准
A Brief Discussion on the Translation Criteria in Business English
38. 中小企业内部控制制度体系构建
Management Structure of medium-sized and small enterprises
39. 用现代营销手段提高我国水果的国际竞争力
Improving the competitiveness of Chinese fruits by means of modern marketing strategies
40. 的对外贸易环境与政策变化
Trade environment and policy changes in China
41. 传统文化与企业理财观
Traditional culture and enterprise financial transactions
42. 中小企业融资问题探讨及国际借鉴
Financing issues of medium-sized and small enterprises
43. 企业并购的风险管理
Risk Management in Merger
44. 中小企业国际市场营销策略探析
Global marketing strategies of medium-sized and small enterprises
45. 助学贷款风险分析及防范
Risks in student loan and their precaution
46. 国际贸易新动向
New trends in international trade
47. 雅戈尔集团——创国际名牌 创百年企业
Going global—branding strategies of Younger
48. 环境贸易壁垒与贸易发展对策
Environmental trade barrier and its
49. 电子商务的应用及对企业的影响
The application of e-commerce and its influence on enterprises
50. 从跨文化交际角度研究国际营销策略
A Study of International Marketing Strategies from the Perspective of Intercultural Communication
51. 企业文化与策略的关系
Understanding Corporate Culture and Its Relation to Strategy
52. 企业文化与商务策略的融合
Matching Corporate Culture and Business Strategy
53. 以营销为导向的企业文化与策略
Marketing-oriented Culture and Strategy
54. 中、日、韩三国的贸易关系
Trilateral Trade Relations among China, Japan and South Korea
55. 加入WTO后贸易问题
Sino-US trade Issues after the WTO Deal
56. 绿色(技术)贸易壁垒对农产品出口的影响及对策
Green Barriers’ Influences on China’s Agricultural Products Export and Countermeasures
57. 论对外直接投资与国际贸易的互动关系
On the interaction between foreign direct investment and international trade
58. 论国际服务外包的发展及服务外包的战略与策略
The Analysis on the Development of International Service Outsourcing and Strategies and Policies in China
59. 论沃尔玛成功的关键因素
On the key to Wal-Mart’s success
60. 外资企业对商业文明的影响
The Influence of Foreign Enterprises on Chinese Commercial Culture
61. 企业跨国并购的文化视角
Managing International M&A with Cultural Perspective for Chinese Enterprises
62. 国际经营中的跨文化策略
Cross-Cultural Strategies in Multinational Business
63. 人力资源的文化差异与跨文化管理
The Cultural Difference and Cross-cultural Management of the Human Resource
64. 商务的语用策略研究
A Study on the Pragmatic Strategies of Sino-American Business Negotiation
