【学术动态】经济学系伍亚老师在《Energy Policy 》发表论文


经济学系伍亚老师在《Energy Policy 》


经济学系伍亚副教授近期在Energy Policy(2017年第109卷第10期)上发表学术论文 Evaluation of energy saving effects of tiered electricity pricing and investigation of the energy saving willingness of residents






The effects of tiered electricity pricing (TEP) on the energy saving willingness of residents and household electricity consumption behaviour are qualitatively studied through a social investigation in Guangdong, China. Furthermore, an autoregressive integrated moving average model (ARIMA model) is constructed using monthly electricity consumption data of residents in Guangdong to quantify the effects of implementing a TEP policy on energy saving. Meanwhile, to explore the opportunities for improving the policy, this research uses an ordered probit model to study the factors influencing the energy saving willingness of residents based on explanatory variables, such as personal characteristics, living conditions, et al. The empirical results demonstrate that, after the implementation of TEP, energy saving awareness among women is higher than that among men. With increasing levels of educational attainment, or having a family, energy saving awareness gradually increases. In addition, there is a U-type relationship between age and energy saving awareness, while a reciprocal U-type is present between income and energy saving awareness. Meanwhile, the housing ownership type (self-occupation or rental) is also closely related to the energy saving awareness of residents. Finally, according to the above research results, suggestions are put forward to improve the TEP policy.


文章发表于Energy Policy (SSCI Q1, 影响因子4.14)第109卷(2017年第10期)。Energy Policy 是一本国际性的跨学术期刊,关注领域包括能源和环境领域的经济学理论与政策问题。该期刊多年来对能源环境领域知识体系的发展做出了重要贡献,并为全球节能减排工作提供了有价值的、科学性的政策建议。


伍亚,现任暨南大学经济学院经济学系副教授,硕士生导师。长期从事能源与环境经济学、可持续发展经济学的教学和研究。主要担任本科和研究生的微观经济学和资源经济学等课程的教学。已出版学术著作1部;同时,在Energy Policy, Energy, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment等国际一流学术期刊,以及中文核心期刊《世界经济》、《亚太经济》、《财经论丛》等期刊发表能源环境领域的相关学术研究十几篇;并为Energy Policy期刊的审稿专家。目前,承担国家自科基金、。






