
近期,上海财经大学会计学院何贤杰、Kirill E Novoselov老师分别与人合著两篇论文在会计学领域国际顶尖期刊The Accounting Review上正式发表。另有王子田老师与人合著一篇论文被会计学领域国际顶尖期刊Journal of Accounting and Economics接收。


1.Do Social Ties between External Auditors and Audit Committee Members Affect Audit Quality?

Xianjie He,Donghui Wu,Jeffrey A Pittman,Oliver M Rui

The Accounting Review,2017,Vol. 96

Abstract : We examine whether social ties between engagement auditors and audit committee members shape audit outcomes. Although these social ties can facilitate information transfer and help auditors alleviate management pressure to waive correction of detected misstatements, close interpersonal relations can undermine auditors’ monitoring of the financial reporting process. We measure social ties by alma mater connections, professor-student bonding, and employment affiliation, and audit quality by the propensity to render modified audit opinions, financial reporting irregularities, and firm valuation. Our evidence implies that social ties between engagement auditors and audit committee members impair audit quality. In additional results consistent with expectations, we generally find that this relation is concentrated where social ties are more salient, or firm governance is relatively poor and agency conflicts are more severe. Implying reciprocity stemming from social networks, we also report some suggestive evidence that audit fees are higher in the presence of social ties between an engagement auditor and the audit committee. Collectively, our analysis lends support to the narrative that the negative implications—namely, worse audit quality and higher audit fees—of these social ties may outweigh the benefits

2.Does Accounting Conservatism Mitigate the Shortcomings of CEO Overconfidence?

Kirill E Novoselov,Rencheng Wang,Charles Hsu

The Accounting Review,2017,Vol. 96

Abstract : Overconfident CEOs are more willing to initiate investment projects that require experimentation, yet tend to defer responding to the bad news when the project is not performing as planned. Accounting conservatism accelerates the recognition of the bad news and its dissemination to gatekeepers, making it more likely that the CEO will acknowledge the problem earlier and start searching for solutions. Therefore, firms where both characteristics—CEO overconfidence and accounting conservatism—are present should perform better. Our empirical tests confirm this prediction: firms that practice conservative accounting and are run by overconfident CEOs exhibit better cash flow performance. Our results continue to hold in a variety of settings, including market reactions to acquisitions, cash flow downside risk, and analyst following. Further, the joint positive effect of CEO overconfidence and accounting conservatism on firm performance is stronger in high-uncertainty environments and in firms facing less stringent financing constraints, consistent with theoretical predictions.

3.Earnings Management, Audit Adjustments, and the Financing of Corporate Acquisitions: Evidence from China

Clive S. Lennox,Zi-Tian Wang,Xi Wu

Journal of Accounting and Economics (forthcoming)


Abstract : Acquirers are motivated to overstate earnings prior to stock-financed acquisitions. We hypothesize that audits help to detect and correct such overstatements. We test this using a difference-in-differences design, which compares audit adjustments to earnings for stock-financed and cash-financed acquirers before versus after the acquisitions. Consistent with our hypothesis, we find larger downward adjustments in the audits immediately before stock-financed acquisitions. Further analysis of regulatory sanction suggests the downward adjustments are in fact warranted, rather than auditors being overly conservative. Moreover, modifications in audit reports suggest that downward adjustments do not correct all of the reporting irregularities in audited financial statements.



上海财经大学会计学院副教授、博士生导师,上海市晨光学者,入选上海市浦江人才计划(2013)和上海市曙光人才计划(2017)等人才项目。现任上海财经大学会计与财务大数据研究中心执行主任。先后主持国家自然科学基金、上海市哲学社会科学课题等省部级以上课题6项。长期致力于中国资本市场会计与财务问题研究,在国内外期刊发表论文20余篇,其中会计学国际顶尖期刊The Accounting Review、Contemporary Accounting Research发表论文2篇,国内权威期刊8篇(包括《管理世界》1篇、《南开管理评论》3篇)。

Kirill E Novoselov

上海财经大学会计学院副教授,曾于纳扎尔巴耶夫大学、香港科技大学任教。长期致力于会计信息与公司估值、公司治理、审计行为与信息披露等问题研究。主持或参与过香港和哈萨克斯坦等地国际性课题5项,获得香港特区研究资助局资助和哈萨克斯坦教育与科技局资助,在会计学国际顶尖和知名期刊The Accounting Review、Journal of Accounting Research、Journal of Corporate Finance等发表论文4篇。


上海财经大学会计学院助理教授,上海市晨光学者。先后主持国家自然科学基金、上海市教育委员会等省部级以上课题2项。长期致力于会计学、税务研究,在会计学国际顶尖期刊The Accounting Review、Journal of Accounting and Economics等发表论文2篇。

