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The Academy of Management Review
January 2015

How Streams of Communication Reproduce and Change Institutional Logics: The Role of Categories

William Ocasio, Jeffrey Loewenstein, and Amit Nigam

The “Macro” and the “Micro” of Legitimacy: Toward a Multilevel Theory of the Legitimacy Process

Alex Bitektine and Patrick Haack

A Model of Rhetorical Legitimation: The Structure of Communication and Cognition Underlying Institutional Maintenance and Change

Derek J. Harmon, Sandy E. Green Jr., and G. Thomas Goodnight

Public Opinion As a Source of Deinstitutionalization: A “Spiral of Silence” Approach

Marco Clemente and Thomas J. Roulet

From Interactions to Institutions: Microprocesses of Framing and Mechanisms for the Structuring of Institutional Fields

Barbara Gray, Jill M. Purdy, and Shahzad (Shaz) Ansari

Academy of Management Journal
February 2015

Professional Image Maintenance: How Women Navigate Pregnancy in the Workplace

Laura M. Little, Virginia Smith Major, Amanda S. Hinojosa, and Debra L. Nelson

If They Can Do It, Why Not Us? Competitors as Reference Points for Justifying Escalation of Commitment

Kai-Yu Hsieh, Wenpin Tsai, and Ming-Jer Chen

Who Defers to Whom and Why? Dual Pathways Linking Demographic Differences and Dyadic Deference to Team Effectiveness

Aparna Joshi and Andrew P. Knight

I Need Time! Exploring Pathways to Compliance under Institutional Complexity

Aafke G. M. Raaijmakers, Patrick A. M. Vermeulen, Marius T. H. Meeus, and Charlene Zietsma

Collective Organizational Engagement: Linking Motivational Antecedents, Strategic Implementation, and Firm Performance

Murray R. Barrick, Gary R. Thurgood, Troy A. Smith, and Stephen H. Courtright

Help-Seeking and Help-Giving as an Organizational Routine: Continual Engagement in Innovative Work

Stine Grodal, Andrew J. Nelson, and Rosanne M. Siino

Investor Perceptions of Financial Misconduct: The Heterogeneous Contamination of Bystander Firms

Srikanth Paruchuri and Vilmos F. Misangyi

Fashion with a Foreign Flair: Professional Experiences Abroad Facilitate the Creative Innovations of Organizations

Frédéric C. Godart, William W. Maddux, Andrew V. Shipilov, and Adam D. Galinsky

Real Options Logic Revisited: The Performance Effects of Alternative Resource Allocation Regimes

Ronald Klingebiel and Ron Adner

How Early Implementations Influence Later Adoptions of Innovation: Social Positioning and Skill Reproduction in the Diffusion of Robotic Surgery

Amelia Compagni, Valentina Mele, and Davide Ravasi

Ostracism, Self-Esteem, and Job Performance: When Do We Self-Verify and When Do We Self-Enhance?

D. Lance Ferris, Huiwen Lian, Douglas J. Brown, and Rachel Morrison

Diplomas, Photos, and Tchotchkes as Symbolic Self-Representations: Understanding Employees' Individual Use of Symbols

Kris Byron and Gregory A. Laurence

Strategic Management Journal
April 2015

The thin red line between success and failure: Path dependence in the diffusion of innovative production technologies

Henrich R. Greve and Marc-David L. Seidel

Breaking the letter vs. spirit of the law: How the interpretation of contract violations affects trust and the management of relationships

Derek J. Harmon, Peter H. Kim and Kyle J. Mayer

Why strategic factor markets matter: “New” multinationals' geographic diversification and firm profitability

Heechun Kim, Robert E. Hoskisson and Seung-Hyun Lee

Strategy tools-in-use: A framework for understanding “technologies of rationality” in practice

Paula Jarzabkowski and Sarah Kaplan

Services, industry evolution, and the competitive strategies of product firms

Michael A. Cusumano, Steven J. Kahl and Fernando F. Suarez

How much does owner type matter for firm performance? Manufacturing firms in China 1998–2007

Fan Xia and Gordon Walker

The social underpinnings of absorptive capacity: The moderating effects of structural holes on innovation generation based on external knowledge

Marco Tortoriello

Beyond institutional voids: Business groups, incomplete markets, and organizational form

K. S. Manikandan and J. Ramachandran

When much more of a difference makes a difference: Social comparison and tournaments in the CEO's top team

Jason W. Ridge, Federico Aime and Margaret A. White

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