

5月9日,Nature Biotechnology杂志(简称NBT)在线发布了一则“编辑部关切”(Addendum: Editorial Expression of Concern)。内容显示:

NBT的编辑注意到了读者们对韩春雨2016年5月2日在线发表的有关NgAgo论文重复性的担忧。此前NBT杂志也发布了由韩国首尔基础研究所、弗莱堡大学、美国Mayo医学中心三个课题组题为“Failure to detect DNA-guided genome editing using Natronobacterium gregoryi Argonaute”的文章,试图重复韩春雨论文中的Figure 4,然后并没有检测到NgAgo介导的DNA切割。同样不能重复该结果的报道也体现在中国科学家此前联名在Protein Cell杂志上发表的相关文章。

NBT编辑部已经与韩春雨等作者进行联系,并表示韩春雨他们还在调查这一系列缺少重复性的原因。相关作者已经知晓这份声明,调查还在继续中,韩春雨和沈啸也同意了NBT编辑部的这一关切与声明。但是论文的其他几位作者高峰、Jiang Feng和Yongqiang Wu觉得这个时候发布关切不合适。




Editorial Expression of Concern: DNA-guided genome editing using the Natronobacterium gregoryi Argonaute

Feng Gao, Xiao Z Shen, Feng Jiang, Yongqiang Wu & Chunyu Han Nat. Biotechnol. 34, 768–773 (2016); published online 2 May 2016; addendum published after print 28 November 2016

The editors of Nature Biotechnology are issuing an editorial expression of concern regarding this article to alert our readers to concerns regarding the reproducibility of the original results. At this time, we are publishing the results of three groups (http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/nbt.3753) that have tried to reproduce the results in the critical Figure 4 in the original paper by Han and colleagues,which demonstrates editing of endogenous genomic loci in mammalian cells. None of the groups observed any induction of mutations by NgAgo at any of the loci or under any of the conditions tested above the sensitivity of the assays used. Similar results have been recently reported by a different group of authors in Protein & Cell (doi:10.1007/s13238-016-0343-9).

We are in contact with the authors, who are investigating potential causes for the lack of reproducibility. The authors have been informed of this statement. While the investigations are ongoing, Chunyu Han and Xiao Z. Shen agree with this editorial expression of concern. Feng Gao, Feng Jiang and Yongqiang Wu do not feel that it is appropriate at this time.

We will update our readers once these investigations are complete.

