













This thesis concludes my four-year study in Hainan University. I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to those people without whose encouragement and assistance this thesis wouldn’t have been completed.

My unforgettable four-year study at Hainan University culminates with this thesis which I have been working hard on for nearly a year. On completion of this graduation thesis, I would like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude to all those who once assisted or encouraged me in writing this research thesis. Without their great help or warm encouragement, this research project could not have been completed as scheduled.

I am deeply indebted to my supervisor Prof. Wang Dawei who has been typically generous with his time, advice, and enthusiasm that have guided me through every step of my writing of this thesis. His broad and professional knowledge gives me great impression as well as great help. My great gratitude also goes to all the other teachers in School of Foreign Languages of Hainan University, whose illuminating lectures and stimulating discussions on English and American literature have broadened my horizons and given me lots of inspirations.

First of all, I would like to extend my grateful thanks to my supervisor Prof. Wang Dawei. He was very generous with his time, giving me a great deal of judicious advice on how to write this thesis. He guided me through every step of writing this fairly long paper. He was particularly patient in correcting my errors and mistakes in my drafts, some of which proved to be foolish and funny. His broad professional knowledge and methodical, responsible attitude toward work left a very deep impression on me. Naturally, his expert guidance and quick response to my constant need for instruction kept this study in the right direction.

My great gratitude also goes to all the other faculty members in the Department of English at Hainan University, who taught me various high quality courses in the past four years. Their illuminating lessons and fascinating lectures on English and American literature, linguistics, translation studies, and other academic topics greatly broadened my intellectual horizons, giving me a great deal of inspiration for doing academic research.

Much love and many thanks should be sent to my parents, who are always ready to share my joys and frustrations. I would also like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the support and encouragement from my foreign friends and home fellows who stand by me for their assistance in stuff collection and suggestions leading to the success of this thesis. It is their love that encourages me to finish my writing of this thesis. And thanks them again, with all my love.

I also acknowledge the great support and constant encouragement from my close friends Tim Cook and Wang Donghui. They patiently helped me with data collection in the early months of my conceptualizing this thesis. They also raised many good suggestions on how to develop an effective analytical framework for this research paper. Indeed, it was their great help and warm encouragement that motivated me to follow through to the end.


Finally, I want to thank my parents who are always ready to share my weal and woe over the years. They, by dint of their hard work and habitual frugality, have always strongly supported me, spiritually as well as financially, over the long course of my pursuing elementary, secondary and tertiary education. Understandably enough, their firm support and great expectations for me have been my greatest spiritual powers for trying to do everything well, both in academics and in life, over the past decade.


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