
钱先生一九五四年重读《堂吉诃德》(Don Quixote),本子是Samue lPutnam英译的The Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote de la Mancha,作长篇笔记,翌年据之作长篇日札。一九六四年涉猎John Ormsby英译本,一九八四年又以Samuel Putnam本与“Clásicos Castellanos”原文本对读。一九四九年作有W.J. Entwistle, Cervantes笔记,一九五四年作有Fitzmaurice-Kelly,Cervantes in England笔记,Aubrey F. G. Bell, Cervantes亦见用于日札、笔记。




例如法国十九世纪批评家艾米尔·蒙泰居(Émile Montégut)在他的《文学典型和美学幻想》(Types littéraires et fantaisies esthétiques, 1833)里,把堂吉诃德、哈姆雷特、少年维特、维尔海姆·麦斯特(Wilhelm Meister)四个角色称为合乎美学标准的四种典型;屠格涅夫在他的《哈姆雷特与堂吉诃德》里把哈姆雷特和堂吉诃德作为两个对立的典型。又重出于《重读堂吉诃德》。

按《海涅精印本堂吉诃德引言译者后记》:他把《堂吉诃德》、《哈姆雷特》和《浮士德》三部杰作相提并论,仿佛替屠格涅夫的名著《论堂吉诃德与哈姆雷特》开了先路(参观Émile Montégut, Types littéraires et fantaisies esthétiques(1882): Don Quixote, Hamlet, Werther, Wilhelm Meister:4 Types of Aesthetic Ideals)。“参观”云云为《钱锺书集》本所有,为钱先生增订稿本,他处尚未见。杨文误“1882”作“1833”。


一七八一年,英国出版了博尔(John Bowle)的注释本,这是最早的《堂吉诃德》注释本——见费茨莫利斯·凯利(Fitzmaurice-Kelly)《塞万提斯在英国》(Cervantes in England)第一七页。

按Cervantes in England笔记:18: In 1781 John Bowle issued the first commentary on Don Quixote ever published.


谭坡尔(William Tomple)甚至责备塞万提斯的讽刺用力过猛,不仅消灭了西班牙的骑土小说,连西班牙崇尚武侠的精神都消灭了。散文家斯蒂尔(RichardSteele)、小说家笛福、诗人拜仑等对塞万提斯都有同样的指责(谭坡尔《论古今学术》(On Ancient and Modern Learning)。——斯宾冈(J. E. Spingarn)编《十七世纪批评论文集》(Critical Essaysofthe 17th Century)第三册第三〇七页)。

按日札第四百四十四论The Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote:Ker quoted from Hegel’s Ästhetik to refute Byron’s lines (DonJuan, XIII,13) on Cervantes“smil[ing] Spain’s chivalry away”, but he overlooked the fact that Byron was simply echoing the opinions of Daniel Defoe’s Don Felix Pacheco in Memoirs of Captain Carleton, of Sir William Temple in the Essay of Ancient and ModernLearning, of Richard Steele inThe Tatler,no. 219 (cf. J.E. Spingarn,Critical Essays ofthe 17th Century, III, p.307;Edgar Prestage, ed.,Chivalry,p.110).


斐尔丁在《咖啡店里的政治家》(The Coffee-House Politician)那个剧本里说……斐尔丁在《堂吉诃德在英国》那个剧本里……泰甫(Stuart Tave)《可笑可爱的人》(The Amiable Humorist),第一五六、一五七页引。

按The Amiable Humorist 笔记略摘论及The Coffee-House Politician及Don Quixote in England处。参看日札第六百五十八则:An excellent example is Don Quixote whose intension is to ridicule chivalry and whose effect the creation of an “amiable humorist”(cf. S.M. Tave, The AmiableHumorist, pp.152 ff.).


最早的《堂吉诃德》法文译本,第一部由乌丹(César Oudin)翻译,一六一四年出版;第二部由洛赛(F. de Rosset)翻泽,一六一八年出版。

按Discours de La Méthod e笔记:àDon Quichotte (traduit par Cesar Houdin en 1616 et par Rosset en 1618).


寇尔列支说:堂吉诃德象征没有判断、没有辨别力的理性和道德观念;桑丘恰相反,他象征没有理性、没有想象的常识;两人合在一起,就是完整的智慧(《论文与演说选》,《每人丛书》版第二五一页)。又说,堂吉诃德的感觉并没有错乱,不过他的想象力和纯粹的理性都太强了,感觉所证明的结论如果不符合他的想象和理性,他就把自己的感觉撇开不顾(艾许(T. Ashe)编《谈话录》(Table Talk),一七九四年版第一七九页)。

按The Table Talk and Omniana of Samuel Taylor Coleridge笔记:August 11, p.179:“Don Quixote is not a man out of his senses, but a man in whom the imagination and the pure reasonare so powerful as to make him disregard the evidence of sense when it opposed their conclusions. Sancho is the common sense of the social man-animal,unenlightened and unsanctified by the reason. Cf Essays and Lectures,etc., Everyman’s Library, p.251 on Don Quixote as “a substantial livingallegory, or personification of the reason and the moral sense, divested of the judgment and the understanding”.亦见The Background of English Literature笔记眉。


法国近代小说家法朗士也把堂吉诃德看作一个值得敬佩的人。他说:“我们每人心里都有一个堂吉诃德,一个桑丘·潘沙;我们听从的是桑丘,但我们敬佩的却是堂吉诃德”——见《西尔维斯特的罪行》(Le crime de Sylvestre Bonnard),加尔曼·雷维(Calmann-Lévy)版第一五〇页。

按Le crime de Sylvestre Bonnard笔记:Nous avons tous en nous un Don Quichotte etun Sancho que nous écoutons, et alors même que Sancho nous persuade, c'est DonQuichotte qu'il nous faut admirer.亦见TheIngenious Gentleman Don Quixote de la Mancha笔记眉。


法国小说家福楼拜塑造的包法利夫人,一心追求恋爱的美梦,她和堂吉诃德一样,要教书本里的理想成为现实,有些评论家就把她称为堂吉诃德式的人物。雷文(H. Levin)《文学批评的联系》(Contexts of Criticism)[1],一九五八年哈佛大学版第九六页。雷内·吉哈(René Girard)《浪漫的谎言与小说的真实》(Mensonge romantique et vérité romanesque),一九六一年版第一三至一四、一七至一八、二五至二六页。

按Contexts of Criticism笔记:One of the many female Quixotes has been Madame Bovary. Mensonge romantique etvérité romanesque笔记:EmmaBovary désire à travers les héroïnes romantiques dont elle a l'imagination remplie...Aucun contact n'est possible entre Don Quichotte et son Amadislégendaire. Emma Bovary est déjà moins éloignée de son médiateur parisien.etc.眉:Cf Harry Levin, Contextsof Criticism,pp.79-100 for very subtle remarks forestalling some of Girard’s points; also Leo Spitzer’s lecture “On the Sigmficance of DonQuichotte” in MLN, March 1962,esp.116-120; P. Moreau, La Critique littéraireen France, p.48 onFuretière. Entwistle, Cervantes笔记亦记:Ortega y Gasset:“Madame Bovary is Don Quixotes in skirts.”


枪炮的发明注定了骑士道的灭亡,这是一个流行的看法。参看克拉瑞西(L.Claretie)《小说家勒萨日》(Lesage Romancier)第一〇六页引马蒙泰尔(Marmontel)《小说论》;马克·吐温(Mark Twain)的讽刺小说《一个康耐悌克州美国人在阿瑟王的朝庭上》(A ConnecticutYankee in KingArthur’s Court)第三十九章。

按日札第四百四十四论The Ingenious Gentleman DonQuixote, Ch. 38:Although “L’héroïsme chevaleresque étaitmort ‘depuis l’invention de la poudre à canon’,comme dit Marmontel [Essai surles romans]” (LéoClaretie, Lesage Romancier, p.106) as“L’épopée disparaît avec l’âge de l’héroïsme individuel; il n’y apas d’épopée avecl’artillerie” (E.Renan, Dialogues philosophiques, II). As amatter ofhistorical fact, the use of the crossbow and later ofthe long bow had evenbefore the invention of artillery considerably reduced the tactical advantage ofthe armoured horsemen (see Sidney Painter, FrenchChivalry, pp.21-2). The Cloister and the Hearth, ch. 24: Gerard: “Thenthese new engines I hear ofwill put both bows down” (The ModernLibrary, p.182), ch. 43: “Gunpowder hasspoiled war” (p.594). [略] Mark Twain, A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court, ch. 39 in which the Boss, by using hisrevolvers, won the day and made knight-errantry “a doomed institution”, also end of the book.



按The Platonic Tradition inAnglo-Saxon Philosophy笔记:Hegel remarks somewhere that all great, world-historical facts and personages occur,as it were, twice. He has forgotten to add: the first time as tragedy, thesecond as farce.一九八〇年十一月在日本爱知大学文学部讲演:用马克思补充黑格尔的话说,第一次演的是悲剧,重演就变成笑剧;我也可以说,有时候第一次演的是笑剧,重演就变成悲剧。


汤玛斯·曼(Thomas Mann)《三十年间散文集》(Essays of Three Decades),娄·坡特(Lowe-Porter)英译本第四四四页。

按日札第四百四十四则论Don Quixote已用Essays of Three Decades(《精印本堂吉诃德引言》注补引之),Essays of Three Decades笔记摘“Voyagewith Don Quixote”三行。


德国幽默家让·保尔(Jean Paul)说:堂吉诃德的行为虽然可笑,他很有理性的抽象的议论更可笑(《美学引论》(Vorschule derÄsthetik)二八节,卡尔·汉塞(Carl Hanser)版《全集》第五册第一一二页)。

按Vorschuleder Ästhetik笔记:Manlacht weniger über das, was Don Quixote tut—dem Wahnwitze ist nichts zu leihen—, als was er an sich vernünftig sagt.

又Erich Auerbach, Mimesis当是钱先生自藏,日札第一百二十二则、《管锥编》第七二三页引之。杨绛谓“以上只是从手边很有限的材料里,略举对于堂吉诃德的一些代表性的见解”,纪实也,“手边的材料”即钱先生笔记也。近水楼台,不取诸邻;虽欲不用,山川其舍。杨绛利用钱先生的劳作,心地坦然,视若当然:“杨绛先生说她年轻的时候也做读书笔记,后来发现钱先生做的笔记又全又好,读后基本上可以不读原书了,她就把自己的笔记放弃了,共用钱先生的笔记”(郭红《记钱锺书手稿集的出版》,。咋“用”?盗道无师,有翅不飞!钱先生笔记浩繁,若不有枕膝独传、夜半密授,纵揣量百种,终莫能著其功而成其事。



按日札第四百四十四则论TheIngenious Gentleman DonQuixote:Onecharacterin Chinese fiction, however, can certainly claimconsanguinity with Sancho. Ch.10, pp.578: The whole passage on Sancho going forth to find Dulcinea at the command of his master is strikingly like the account of猪八戒巡山in《西游记》第三十二回,just as the sentence inch. 18, p.627: “The day set for his departure came at last, ahappy one for Don Quixote, but sad and bitter for Sancho Panza,who was makingout very nicely with all the good things that Don Diego’s house had offered andwas loath to go back to the hunger of forest and desert” etc., is paralleled in《西游记》第九十二回:獃子抹抹脸道:又是这长老没正经。二百四十家大户都请,才吃了有三十几顿饱斋,怎么又弄老猪忍饿;第九十六回:八戒忍不住高叫道:师父忒也不从人愿,不近人情。老员外大家巨富,许下这等斋僧之愿……须住年把,也不妨事,只管要去怎的?放了这等现成好斋不吃,却往人家化募。前头有你甚老爷、老娘家哩;第九十七回:八戒努着嘴道:放了现成茶饭不吃,清凉瓦屋不住,却要走甚么路,像抢丧撞魂的。Indeed,thereis a good deal of猪八戒in Sancho, or Sanchoin猪八戒.TheIngenious Gentleman Don Quixote de la Mancha笔记亦标识“猪八戒巡山”。

有的评论家说,他们主仆二人互相影响,堂吉诃德渐变渐像桑丘,桑丘渐变渐像堂吉诃德。参看恩特威瑟(William Entwistle)《塞万提斯》一九四〇年牛津版第一三三页;马达利亚加(Salvador de Madariaga)《堂吉诃德》一九四八年牛津版第一一二至一二二页。

按Cervantes笔记:The interaction between the master and theman is described by Madariaga's clever phrase: The quixotification of Sancho andthe sanchification of DonQuixote. 日札第四百四十四论TheIngenious Gentleman DonQuixote, Ch.26:However,the contagionmentale is mutual,and Salvador de Madariaga has a clever phrase for the interaction between themaster and the man: “the quixotification of Sancho and the sanchification of Don Quixote” (quoted in W.J.Entwistle, Cervantes,p.133).

若依·巴斯加尔(Roy Pascal)在他的《德国小说》里说:“咱们说某人是一个典型的祖母,就是说,祖母的特点在她身上特别强,不同于一般祖母;一般的只略具某些特点。不同一般的才是典型(only the exception is the type)。

按The German Novel笔记:Wesay, “So-and-so is a typical grandmother”, and we mean that she combines in anextraordinary degree, exceptionally, the various qualities which are usuallypresent only partially in the grandmothers we know. Only the exception is thetype.




 此文原题:《堂吉诃德和〈堂吉诃德〉》的“手边材料”,刊于2017年4月2日《南方都市报 阅读周刊》