Recharge One year Anniversary一周年派对 春天降临的时候,充满你的能量,重新出发

Recharge 充电派对

One year Anniversary一周年派对

You're so Weird, Don't Change"

"Recharge" is a project about eletronic music, new media arts and audiovisual arts monthly held in Mao Livehouse Shanghai. In the past year 2017, we brought together a wide array of creators, inventors, Artists performers, Musiciens and Djs for a full Audio-visual , fun and inspirational experience.

2nd March 2018, Friday, starts from 9pm, Recharge X Mao Livehouse Shanghai and New project Mao Electronic Studio will hit the first Recharge in 2018 as Recharge One year anniversary celebration.

From Experimental sound to Techno, various style of live music, DJs and visuals, art installations and performance and there will also be a creative market in the party!

When spring arrives, let's farewell winter blue, Recharge your energy.

Together, Let's hit on the road again.

17年是“Recharge充电”这个关于电子音乐、新媒体与Audiovisual arts的项目的元年。我们每个月在Mao Livehouse Shanghai举办一场派对,邀请一系列创意者,发明者,艺术家,表演者以及音乐人和DJ为大家带来全面的视听享受,无限乐趣以及充满启发的体验。

18年3月2日周五晚上9点,Recharge X Mao Livehouse Shanghai以及Mao新成立电音项目Mao Electronic Studio联袂为你带来18年首次充电派对,共同庆祝Recharge一周年。




RE-CHARGE One year Anniversary一周年派对

2018年3月2日 周五 9:00pm

2nd March 2018 starts from 9pm

MAO Livehouse Shanghai

黄浦区重庆南路308号3楼MAO Livehouse shanghai

3/F. 308 Chongqin Nan Lu

预售presale.¥60元 现场 AT DOOR.¥100元

Happy Hour: From 9pm to 11pm Buy one drink get one free

Get Free Ticket 



1.Subscribe to Recharge account; 2.Share this post on wehcat moment; 3. send screenshot to backstage

We will offer free tiekets to the first 100.(Valid for entry before 11pm on march 2nd)

Curator's words  策展人前言

You’re so weird, Don’t change

Vanessa Zheng

We’re all looking for acceptance, aren’t we?

A sense of belonging, a sense of community, a sense of identity…as social animals, this longing for integration into society and connection with others is carried on in our genes. As soon as we leave the uterus, we start to feel being trapped in the pain of separation, suffering the anxiety of isolation and fear of rejection. 

Discovering the world is also a process of self-discovery, while we structure our inner identities, we find our differences from the others, we feel like misfits compared to others. Those personal irreconcilabilities make us who we are, and also make us feel lonely. It seems impossible for other individuals to understand our world. We’re just isolated islands, floating in this modern ocean of civilization.

We try hard to impress people for attention to feed our ego, to gain acceptance, but on the other hand, we’re so terrified of people noticing our differences. “You’re so weird”. We learn to put on masks to cover ourselves and also to cover our weirdness, we act like someone else to fit in in society. We’re so afraid that nobody will accept us if we show our true face.

Some people are self-marginalized and reject the world before they themselves are rejected. In the end, it’s just a projection that we don’t accept ourselves deeply inside. “Be yourself” sounds like such a cliché, in fact, what we do is try our best to escape from ourselves, no matter how absurd it is. We’re looking for acceptance, but first of all, we forget to accept ourselves.

Stay weird, stay the way you are.

Everyone is shaped by his own special experience, just as we can't find two leaves that are identical. Nobody can judge you because they never experience the path you’ve taken. The scar on your skin becomes your unique tattoo, as the crack in everything, that’s where the light gets in. The world is beautiful because of its diversity, as the rainbow unites different colours. We’re different ,but we’re the same.

“Don’t shake hands with the lonely kids, hug them”

You’re so weird, please don’t change










“不要和孤独的孩子们握手, 拥抱他们”

你很奇葩, 请坚持

Line Up:

Mao Live House

9:00-10:00 Healing Sounds & Psychedelic ceremonial by Anuar/Dee/Aming/*LL

10:00-10:20 Noise & Drums Action performance by Junky (Torturing Nurse) & Axiang ( Lao Ayi )

10:20-10:50 Live guitar & electronic machines story telling by Dee & Aming

10:50-11:30 Live Punk Rock band from Beijing by Dirty Fingers

11:30-12:20 TekNo live set by Lochoi/Dee/Aming

12:20-12:40 Sound-Body Performance by  Lena Kilina/Eugenio/Jared

Mao Club

12:30-1:20 Rabbits Never Talk  (Tekno set "Fresh Air from Kreuzberg")

1:20-2:20 Dalong (Techno)

2:20 to end MIIIA (Techno)

Performance Arts:



All night Live VJ : Live Kinoloops and VJ projections by Pechou

Art Installations:


Music Knocks 4 (Panos)

Dragon Burn China based Burning Man rep (Francesca Koi)

Creative Market:

Normal Wearables by Kiki

Tribal Wear MSV by Sabrina

Crochet accessories brand by Little Banana

Leather Hand made apparels

Customised Lingerie

Handcrafted Jewellery with Minorities elements

Rock Candy

Prints by

Lamp design by birdhouse

Hat designs by France 

C.U.E Jewelry Hot³——C.U.E东西饰集

Hand Made soaps

Porcelain items

9:00-10:00  Healing Sounds & Psychedelic ceremonial 

  Anuar Kaldekhan 

Anuar Kaldekhan, an indie musician. He is good at guitar, a variety of Kazak folk musical instruments and unique sound innovation.His creation is rooted in the traditional philosophy of Kazakhstan, "küy", a kind of the high degree of sensibility achieved with sound, through the contemporary sound expression to explore the music with modern consciousness. His live performance often brings a strong visual sense through the psychedelic sound field to fully create and the mood and the environment improvisation.His creation is rooted in the traditional philosophy of Kazakhstan, "küy", a kind of the high degree of sensibility achieved with sound, through the contemporary sound expression to explore the music with modern consciousness. His live performance often brings a strong visual sense through the psychedelic sound field to fully create and the mood and the environment improvisation. 

安尼沃尔·哈力汗 独立音乐人,擅长吉他及多种哈萨克民族乐器的演奏和独特的音色创新。他的音乐创作根植于哈萨克传统哲学“küy”,一种借由音声达到的极高感官专注度,借由当代的音声表达方式,探索具有现代意识的音乐。他的现场往往通过迷幻声场的充分营造以及情绪和环境的即兴,带来视觉上的强烈画面感。Anuar曾参与IZ乐队,并先后组建“Alakhan”、Anuar与“7”乐队,巡演于英国、波兰及国内多城市;2015年起以个人solo计划参与到各类美术馆项目中,如上午艺术空间发起的“无窗的风景”系列声音实践声场,及上海当代艺术博物馆的实验音乐品牌”1吨半“等等。



*LL aka Lochoi programs with Max Msp some binaural beats brain entrainment sounds as well as controller devices for live sound improvisations.

10:00-10:20 Noise & Drums Action performance by Junky

 Torturing Nurse: 

Torturing Nurse:Started on 2004.04.25 till FOREVER!

From the Shanghai,China composed of analogue harsh noise/pure noise group,has now done over 220 performances in Mainland China、Hong Kong、Republic of China、Japan、Denmark、Switzerland、France、Belgium、UK、Spain;has been published in various brands including the limited cdr、cassette、vinyl、cd,ect in more than 370 recordings all over the world!!




10:20-10:50  Live guitar & electronic machines story telling

 A Ming 

A Ming(Liang Qiming) is a happening sound artist living in Shanghai skillful in taking advantage of a wide spectrum of spaces and ready-made objects in performance. 

阿鸣 Aming :使⽤用⾝身体作为震动的载具,遁⼊入梦境声响,以停顿内在对话;新的知觉由此得以产⽣生与发展。使⽤用空间, 演奏时间,制造紧张,有时舒缓。


DEE : The Man dies every night

Experimental artist, DJ, founder and vocal of improve project 汨Mii, member of Nojiji, Raying Psychedelic Coalition and Ong. He likes to build surreal psychedelic scenes combine atmospheric sounds and noise with dark drama and performances.

Dee took part in events such as Beijing Design Week, Just Passing By series Exhibition, Raying tours, Utopia Action, etc. Dee had first personal interactive sound performance exhibition at fRUITYSPACE Beijing 2015, and released his first EP and noise toured around China and Tokyo on 2016.


曾参与北京国际设计周,上海时装周,Just Passing By群展,流动小雷音,乌托邦行动等活动,主理厂牌SicSounds发起Fake Hope系列派对,2015年在fRUITYSPACE做交互式声音个展,2016年发行首张EP,并在全国和日本巡回演出。现居上海。

10:50-11:30 Live Punk Rock band from Beijing by Dirty Fingers

 Dirty Fingers 

A garage punk band.

Dirty finger was founded in 2013.

it was a student band at the beginning.

Along with the poor musician Xiao Hai joining the gang,Dirty Fingers became a rogue band.

After the absorption of the Brazil drummer Zhao Zilong

and the Bassist Zhang Haiming

Dirty Fingers became an immortal legend.








11:30-12:20 TekNo live set by Lochoi/Dee/Aming


*LL aka Lochoi sound is often like a gallop of rhythms gathered for a trance ceremonial around the fire pit like in the Old times when time never existed . Together with the repetitive drums , the story is permanently writing itself , amplifying at times or others the sound of wind in the tree leaves, the fire crackling, some whispers of unheard talks,

a shout to reunite closer to the fire, some tears and crying filled with fears, some laughs of happiness , poetry and chants & TekNO.

LOCHOI *LL给人带来的音乐感受,就像是来自时间混沌之时,所有人围住熊熊燃烧的火焰一般的迷幻集会。 伴随着循环往复的鼓点,风吹动树叶的沙沙摩挲,柴火劈啪作响,仿佛故事永无止境。

在他的音乐里,你好像也听见有人在你耳边低 语着从未听闻的话语,也似乎有人在靠近这团 由音乐燃起的,歇斯底里的火焰,让人眼里饱 含泪水,或是放声大笑。

12:20-12:40 Sound-Body Performance: Red Temple

Red Temple explores the symbolic nature of the color. A ritual is performed through the intersection of sound, the human voice and body movement.  Over time the ritual breaks down leaving doubt for the initial system of belief. Ritual is an inevitable component of culture, extending from the largest-scale social and political processes to the most intimate aspects of our self-experience. Symbolic worship locates the temple through the experimental audio piece, revealing how we can frame ourselves to see who we are and who we are not; we exercise power and resist power in one mysterious space. 

Red Temple探索色彩的象征本性,一场通过声音、人声和肢体运动互相渗透演出的仪式。随着时间的推移,仪式打破了最初信念系统的怀疑。仪式是文化不可避免的组成部分,。象征崇拜通过试验性的声音片段来奠定圣殿坐标,启发和揭示我们如何定义自己是谁以及不是谁;我们如何在一个神秘空间里行使权力以及抵抗的力量。

Eugenio Altieri: sound 声音

Jared Mimm: body improvisation 即兴肢体

Lena Kilina: performing vocal arts 人声艺术表演

 Eugenio Altieri  

Eugenio Altieri is an Italian sound artist and music producer based in Shanghai. His research is a constant mixing of environmental lo-fi sound recording, with retro and modern music production instruments and technologies, to create a unique, organic sound that he likes to defined Meta Human.Human lo-fi / Analog Warm / Digital Sharp

"no one can escape from the digital wave, I just want to sound more (meta) human "

Eugenio Altieri是一位base于上海的意大利制作人和声音艺术家。他的研究包括不断混合环境lo-fi录音,加上复古和现代的乐器和技术的制作,创造出一个独一无二的有机的声音作品,被他定义为“Meta human",Human lo-fi / Analog Warm / Digital Sharp



 Lena Kilina 

Lena Kilina: Sinologist, performing artist. She is conducting PhD research in visual anthropology and urban studies in Brazil. Had numerous international audio-visual exhibitions and performances (Spain, Sweden, Brazil, China, Japan).

Ambassador of Shanghai World Music School based in Tongji University Design and Innovation School. Visual artist in art collective "Illumin8tors" (Shanghai-based) and has her sound project "Autoturk" (

Lena Kilina: 汉学家,表演艺术家,目前在巴西从事博士学位的研究,领域包括视觉人类学和城市研究。她的作品被呈现在众多国际范围内的Audio-Visual的展览和演出上(包括西班牙,瑞典,巴西,中国和日本)

她是上海世界音乐学院(隶属于同济大学设计和创新学院)的大使。作为视觉艺术家,她是上海Based的艺术组合"Illumin8tors"的成员之一,同时也包括了她的声音项目 "Autoturk ” (

  Jared Mimm  

Jared Mimm is an American conceptual artist living in Shanghai. He works primarily with video, performance and installation to explore his ideas from a variety of different angles. Reoccurring themes in his work deal with the body, nonverbal communication, ritual and intimacy. 

Artist website:

Jared Mimm 是一个生活在上海的美国观念艺术家。他的作品与Video表演以及装置结合,试图从多种不同角度去探索他的想法。他的作品中反复出现的主题包括身体,不通过语言的交流,仪式以及亲密。


12:30-1:20 TeKno Set  "Fresh Air from Kreuzberg"

 Rabbits Never Talk  

Rabbits Never talk :An audiovisual project by the curator and visual artist Vanessa Zheng. She is also a subculture researcher and anthropologist, devoted herself into developing her art healing theory through Shamanism and cognitive neuroscience approach.

She has been doing audiovisual arts ( VJ&DJ) during her stay in Europe for years, worked under electronic arts label Sound:Frame in Vienna (AU). Her academic dissertation at UNIBO was about "Digital performance". 

Wechat Public account: DerBlau

Rabbits Never talk是艺术策展人、视觉艺术家郑轶的Audiovisual艺术项目。同时她也是亚文化的研究者以及人类学家,致力于研究基于人类学萨满理论与认知神经科学的艺术治愈理论的研究.

她曾在欧洲多年旅居生活中从事audiovisual arts(VJ & DJ),曾经实习工作于奥地利维也纳电子艺术厂牌Sound:Frame,并在博洛尼亚大学毕业论文方向为“电子表演艺术”的理论与实践。


Kreuzberg is the subculture district in Berlin, is where these legendary techno clubs such as Tresor、watergate located. Vanessa is just right back after her regular Berlin visiting with fresh air from world techno captial."Rabbits never talk"---you never hear rabbits make voice, because, they only dance.

1:20-2:20 Dalong (Techno)


Dalong :"The sound comes from the instrument and the robot, the spirit comes from the human being." From the second generation of Shanghai rock band representatives - water crystal butterfly band lead singer, to the first do- mestic music scene MAO Livehouse main manager of the people, and then to the late night club and party on the electronic child DJ ... From the concrete rock and roll, to the abstract electronic music, Dalong [big big dragon] has been trying to focus on his new music in the field of music on the exploration and understanding of electronic music. 


风格:Techno/Tech House.

声⾳来⾃乐器和机器,精神来⾃人类”。从第⼆代沪上摇滚乐队的代表--⽔晶蝶乐队主唱,到国内第⼀音乐现场MAO Livehouse主理⼈,再到深夜俱乐部与派对上的电⼦DJ...从具象的摇滚乐,到抽象的电⼦乐,Dalong[⼤龙]⼀直努⼒在他全新的⾳乐领域专注于对电子乐的探索与领悟。不在意表面⻆色的互换,并坚信⾳感视觉之下的舞蹈能量,享受在⾃己操控的“新意识主义”循环中。今后他将从多年热爱的摇滚舞台,更多地转向电子舞台,通过冷静的合成器器、出色的混音,创造迷漫叠加的⾳浪威慑。 

2:20 to end MIIIA (Techno)


MIIIA : The Chinese-Canadian producer has released on ECI Korea, Berlin's Be Sure and Co:Motion, the Shanghai label/collective she's co-founded. Expect a strange, groove-heavy, futuristic and textured techno journey.

MIIIA无疑是上海最为先锋音乐党派成员之一,这位加拿大籍的华裔制作人,在韩国的ECI,柏林的Be sure及上海最受欢迎的厂牌之一Co:Motion下发行作品,同时她也是Co:Motion的主理人之一。毫无疑问,她的音乐匣子里总是藏满了一堆奇幻暗深的律动节奏,整个空间都被她的独特音乐所占据。

Performance Arts


Rin is a live action artist. Her confrontational work questions power relating to social, political, and cultural conventions.



Hella!Flow artist

Purpose emerges in the course of vibrations.

From material to life, in between organic and inorganic.

Hella! merges traditional flow art in modern movement,

using lights to explore boundaries of spectators and observers.





All night Live VJ 

Live Kinoloops and VJ projections by Pechou

现场Kinoloops以及VJ投影By Pechou

 Art Installation 



Vasily: Vasily is a transmedia artist who works in different fields of art and technology. Started from photography and math, recently he moved to interactive art and new media. Through all his work we can see two main topics – the feelings (expression of personal feelings through photography, video or even computer algorithm) and idea of communication (with space, with people, with spectators).


 Music Knocks 4


Panos is a conceptual artist who uses semiotics on (found) objects to compose surrealistic installations that make criticism of the state of contemporary human condition. 

For the Recharge event he will be creating site specific compositions based on a Technics SL1200MK2 turntable. The MK2 stands as an artistic symbol of house music and electronic dance culture which elevated it from a mere playback device into musical instrument status.

The installations create narratives that refer to it as a symbol of DJ culture and an undeniably aesthetic object, to comment on the meaning and value of electronic music and dance culture and its role in contemporary life.




 Dragon Burn China based Burning Man rep

Francesca Koi 

Francesca Koi is a researcher and designer in visual communication and open cultures. Living in Asia since more than a decade, she lost the roots but keeps holding the Mediterranean flavors in her pocket like an invisible pandora box. She uses arts as a spare-time meditative activity to improvise spontaneous interactive playground with the creatures which we share our planet with.  It may be useless, but it's healthy. She travels extensively in space, time, seas, and fantasies, so it's only possible to find her in the flow.

Francesca Koi 是一位视觉传达和开放性文化的研究者和设计师。她在亚洲居住了超过10年,她失去了她的根却在她的口袋里保留着地中海的气息,就像看不见的潘多拉的魔盒那样。她把艺术创作当作闲余时光中的冥想活动那样,与那些我们共同分享这个星球的其它生灵一起当作是即兴随意的互动游乐场。也许这一切是无用的,但是是健康的。她在时空海洋与幻想中充满激情地旅行,所以唯一寻找到她的可能性就是跟随她的流动。

 ReCharge Creative Market  

First Creative Market in party 


a creative market with original designs, upcycled products, wearables , jewellerys, clothes, bags and more...

我们在派对里带来了创意市集,包括原创设计,再生创意产品(Upcycled products),衣服、包包以及珠宝等等...

Normal Wearables by Kiki

Tribal Wear MSV by Sabrina

Old is new!! Come to see MSV's multiverse, celebrate life with mind, soul and our vessel. MSV Tribal Wear admires the original and wild style of different tribes around the planet. Being weird is the true normal
民族的就是世界的 快来看看MSV的最炫民族风

Crochet accessories brand by Little Banana

We're dedicated in offering you writing instruments that are comfortable and unique. With the transcending designs, every piece of our products . manifest our unwavering pursuit of excellence. Wanwu writing instruments blend historical crafts with. modern features to deliver a masterful performance.  We pursue not only prevailing fashion but also exquisite. taste defined by the details of our products


Leather Hand made apparels


Customised Lingerie

Fine-d’Art is a designer brand, launched in December 2016 in Shanghai, specializing in lingerie customized to individual measurements. Fine-d’Art believes that individuality is beautiful, and that every woman deserves to recognize and embrace their uniqueness. Our lingerie is the representation of character and the expression of our love for all the beauties out there.


Handcrafted Jewellery with Minorities elements

YingWu handcraft. Established at 2014, jeweries are made with travel collection, reused things, fused with minority elements

应无手作. 创立于2014年,旅途收集,旧物再造,加入各个少数民族的元素,金工首饰,藏式佛珠搭配。

Rock Candy

在Rock Candy看来纯手工的意义在于,根据每颗石头的不同气息搭配金属的不同颜色与质感,每个首饰都该是独一无二的。一些作品中还包含矿石与木头等天然材料,任何有故事的素材都可以作为首饰的一部分。

Prints by

Nicky is an Illustrator full of imagination based in Shanghai. Her work is strongly inspired by Fashion photography but executed by the Japanese Ukiyoe paint techniques. The structure of her compositions remind more a fashion photo shooting but the character style and poses, or the different (wired) props, creates a funny and surreal atmospheres. 

[ 关注她的 instagram: ]

Nicky是一位充满想象力的插画师。 在五百强品牌公司工作将近10年的她,毅然辞退创意总监的职位,和合伙人Altieri操办起yeyeyes工作室。她的作品受到时尚摄影的启发,却以日本浮世绘的技法,和现代漫画概念展现所有人物性格和瞬间小故事。

Lamp design by birdhouse

Through a series of life decisions, wise or otherwise, Shelley Mock has found herself living and working in Shanghai, for almost a decade. After completing her Masters degree in Architecture in Australia (which included a 2 year stint in Mexico on student exchange) she headed for the bright lights and jianbings of Shanghai, without any real sort

of fixed plan.  

Circumstances and the universe led her away from architecture and into interior design, which she now does under her own company, birdhouse design.

Her design style is in constant fluctuation, influenced by new discoveries, new travels and the desire to find better solutions than what's available now, for both client and the planet.

Reclaimed materials, with their inherent textual beauty, feature heavily in her

work, and in her spare time she likes to go rummaging through rubbish piles at demolition sites, hunting for the next inspiration

经历一系列生活的决定,明智抑或不是,Shelley Mock最终安居与工作于上海几乎有十年。在她结束了在澳大利亚的建筑硕士学习(其中两年在墨西哥交换),她朝着上海明亮的光而迈步向前,并未给自己设定任何固定的计划。

宇宙带领她离开了建筑领域从而走向室内设计,她目前拥有自己的公司,Birdhouse Design.她的设计风格持续变化,深受新的发现、新的旅行的影响,以及她总是有着为客户以及这个星球环境寻找现有更好的解决方案的欲望驱动力。


Hat designs by France 

I am France, a hat designer. 城市野鹿 is my unique brand found by 2013. To turn a design from my imagination into reality is very fun to me.  The style of my design also present my personality.

C.U.E Jewelry Hot³——C.U.E东西饰集

C.U.E idea is from Creative、Unique & Elegance.

Jewelry Hot³means the little thing in C.U.E studio From Eastern、Wesern Culture .

They only represent the modern, new and interesting objects in the East and West, but also continue the old things, the differences between the Middle East and the west, And find it to learn more.

Now I 'm independent jewelry Designer, for Custom-built or for the company. So my major projects have been sold. just have some pic.

C.U.E这个品牌主要核心是creative创新的、unique稀有的& elegance精致的。

Jewelry Hot³的主要含义在于C.U.E是一个将东西方文化传承下去的地方,他们不仅代表的是东西方中现代的、新型的、有趣的物件,也是将老物件中东西方文化差异和值得学习的地方延续下去。这里不是终点,一切才刚刚开始。

Hand Made soaps

Porcelain items


前期Re-Charge x MAO livehouse 上海 精彩回顾

"Art is a bridge to connect the physical world and spiritual world, 

Or simply just two human beings" 

by Marina Abramovic


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