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前日,笔者发表了《刘实挑战牛人蒲,期望公开辩论: 中国脑计划靠不靠谱? 是否弄错了神经细胞谱?》,针对老蒲认为的神经科学面临的最大挑战:

  • “一是以单个神经元和神经纤维分辨率来同时观察活体脑中一大群神经元的活动;

  • 二是对实验中记录到的,反映特定认知过程中神经元动态活动的极大量数据进行分析和解读“,笔者指出:“这些“单细胞观察“和”大数据分析“类的技术问题早已不是束缚脑科学甚至于所有生命科学发展的关键因素。


今天,国际著名顶尖杂志、笔者认定世界顶奸杂志·、美国的《科学》隆重发表了这样一篇科学论文:Live imaging of neurogenesis in the adult mousehippocampus.

这篇论文的作者对一种被称为R细胞(Radial glia-like) 神经干细胞(Neural stem cell)的“自新“(Self-renew)的定义是·“R cellsself-renew—here defined asgenerating a daughter cell withequivalent molecular characteristics and potency—and give rise to proliferativenonradial glia-like (NR) cells”(产生分子特性与效力等同(R细胞)的女儿和一个具有繁殖力的NR细胞)。

【“According to the prevailing model of adulthippocampal neurogenesis, R cellsself-renew—here defined as generatinga daughter cell with equivalent molecular characteristics and potency—and giverise to proliferative nonradial glia-like (NR) cells that dividesymmetrically to generate granule cells (3). However, theself-renewal capacity and lineage relationships of R cells remain controversialowing to the lack of longitudinal observations of individual R cells and theirprogeny within their niche (7, 8). Similarly toprevious imaging approaches that have probed the dynamics of somatic stem cellbehavior in the nonmammalian nervous system and other stem cell niches (10–17), we usedchronic in vivo imaging to track the fate of individual R cells over timewithin the adult DG.”

作者这样说的原因是观察到如下现象: “ Despite this variability, some features of R cell fate behaviorwere conserved among all lineage trees. In particular, we found no instance ofan asymmetrical R cell division being followed by a symmetric R cellduplication (Fig. 2E and fig. S3), suggesting eitherthat, once activated, R cells move sequentially from a symmetrically to anasymmetrically dividing phase, or that the proliferative potential of R cellsbecomes progressively exhausted so that symmetrical duplicative divisionsbecome increasingly scarce. 


这篇论文还报道另一个“新奇”结果:In contrast to previouslysuggested models (3), we found not only symmetric, neurogenic celldivisions of NR cells but also asubstantial fraction of asymmetric cell divisions (24.2% of all NR divisions),yielding one renewed NR cell and one neuronal daughter cell (Fig. 2, H to J) (9). NR cells underwent as many as six rounds of celldivision (with an average of 2.9 ± 0.2 divisions); thus, NR cells are a majorsource of clonal expansion (Fig. 2, H to J, and fig. S3).


作者还发现:Chronic imaging also allowed us to analyze whether divisiontimes (TD) are correlated with previous celldivisions or within clonally related lineages. We analyzed the TD ofR and NR divisions and found that, once the cells were activated, TD remainedconstant (Fig. 2K). TD times of sistercells were correlated among R cell daughters, whereas no correlation wasdetected for daughters of NR cells (Fig. 2, L and M), suggesting segregation of cellular features selectively in Rcells that determine the daughter cells’ reentry into cell division.””

也就是说, R细胞与NR细胞的“分裂周期”时间长短还不一样!

但是,非干细胞也有“不对称分裂”,干细胞与非干细胞的“分裂周期” 时间长短还不一样是“新发现”吗?











所以,但笔者看到《科学》为这篇“新发现“还配了如下一篇”吹文“:Revising concepts about adult stem cells。





不过,这篇吹文的下面这些话还是有利于笔者的:During development, NSCs are radial glial cells(RGCs) defined by their radial morphology and glial hallmarks. Interestingly, adult NSCs also resemble RGCs inmorphology and share traits with mature astroglial cells (2).



Thebiggest surprise came when observing the direct progeny of the RGCs that wereexpected to amplify the population by dividing symmetrically. However,Pilz et al. demonstratedthat they also divide asymmetrically,producing a neuronal daughter and an apparently self-renewing mother cell





