




the school这件事,为社会学理论上检验:structural network, cultural idea之间关系提供了契机。

芝加哥大学社会学系2014年毕业的博士生Monica Lee,的论文

Structural and cultural processes in the development of the Frankfurt School


她分析了跨越数十年,上万字的法兰克福学派文本。她 的论文目录是:


In my dissertation “Social and Cultural Processes in the Development of the Frankfurt School” I seek to discover through an historical case study of the Frankfurt School of Critical Theory general mechanisms relating knowledge production to social organization.

Innovative methodological techniques allow me to examine closely how ideas and social structure condition one another over time.  Using the Frankfurt School’s catalog of philosophical works and over 12,000 pages of archived correspondence between members, I model the school as both an evolving network of social relationships and an evolving network of core philosophical ideas.  Analyzing how these networks co-evolve over four decades, I elucidate a set of joint intellectual and structural processes—bridging cultural holes, protrusion, expulsion, and factionalization—integral to schools’ development.

This project compels me to employ and develop computer automated methods for analyzing thousands of pages of philosophy.  I adopt a network-based approach.  Texts are formalized into semantic networks, and the meanings within them are analyzed with network analytic measures and techniques such as density, centrality, and blockmodeling.

已和她的导师John Levi Martin发表过一篇,见:

Lee, Monica, and John Levi Martin. 2015. ‘Coding, Counting and Cultural Cartography’. American Journal of Cultural Sociology 3 (1):1–33. 


毕业去哪了?在facebook当DATA SCIENTIST了,见:



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