


ACCA在 2000 年和牛津·布鲁克斯大学(Oxford Brookes University)建立了合作关系,使学员在学习ACCA专业资格的同时,有机会获得该校应用会计的(荣誉)理学士学位。学员在通过ACCA第一、二部分九门课程的考试后,向该校提交一份研究和分析报告及主要能力陈述书供校方评估,就有机会获得上述学士学位。这个学位等同于在英国本土留学而获得的学位。

写论文最难的是想题目,不过还好,大部分学校都会给毕业生拟定一定的题目范围,OBU也不外如此。OBU论文项目中的大论文Research Report要求是7500字,论文题目可以在以下范围内选择,其他题目需另行申请——

①An organisation’s budgetary control system and its links with performance management and decision making


②How the introduction of a new technology can assist an organisation in achieving its business objectives


③The impact of an aspect of impending legislation on the operations and financial position of an organisation


④The impact of e-business on an organisation


⑤The effects of globalisation on an organisation


⑥The key factors or indicators in the motivation of employees in an organisation


⑦The restructuring of an organisation’s operational activities and the effect on the organisation’s financial performance


⑧The business and financial performance of an organisation over a three year period


⑨The planning and implementation of an information system in an organisation


⑩The effectiveness of the use of costing techniques within an organisation


⑪The financial and operational costs and benefits of the internal audit / internal review activities within an organisation


⑫The possible effects of a proposed accounting standard on the financial statements and business activities of an organisation


⑬The relationship between an organisation’s human resources activities and its business objectives


⑭The business and financial objectives of a strategic investment decision made by an organisation and its impact on key stakeholders


⑮The management of an organisation’s working capital over a three year period and its impact on the organisation’s funding strategies


⑯The financial and operational risk management within an organisation


⑰The quality of the corporate governance within an organisation and


⑱The impact on an organisation’s key stakeholders


⑲The marketing strategy of an organisation and its effectiveness


⑳The financial and operational consequences of a merger between two organisations or of the acquisition of one organisation by another

大部分学员会选择Topic 8为论文题目,因为相对比较好写。格式要求可以参考下图:

关于OBU学位详细的内容,可以点击文末阅读原文链接里的2016-2017 INFORMATION PACK网址,想要申请学位的同学千万别错哦。