


唐世明研究组利用清醒猴双光子成像技术(Neuron, 2017; Current Biology, 2018),同时观测多达1000个初级视皮层V1神经元对2,250个自然图片的反应,首次实现了猕猴V1神经元群反应稀疏性的直接测量。结果显示,对单个自然图片刺激,平均仅有千分之五的V1神经元有较强的反应,这比以往利用传统技术、通过间接估算出的V1稀疏性高一个数量级。合作者卡耐基梅隆大学Tai Sing Lee通过分析发现,利用这些稀疏的强反应能以较高精度解码自然图片。


该项研究得到北京大学-清华大学生命科学联合中心、国家自然科学基金( 317301093、0525016)、北京大学985工程项目、国家重点研发计划(2017YFA0105201), 北京市科委项目资助。

图1,猕猴初级视层对自然图片刺激的超稀疏表征。(a, b)任意单个自然图片通常只能较好激活少数几个细胞,虽然这些细胞都是可以被适当刺激很好激活的(c)。(d, e)单个刺激激活的神经元群体反应强度的分布。(f, g)单幅图片平均能较强激活0.5%(6/1,225,4.1/982)的V1神经元。


1) Tang S et al. (2018) Large-scale two-photon imaging revealed super-sparse population codes in V1 superficial layer of awake monkeys. eLife 2018; 7: e33370 doi: 10.7554/eLife.33370

2) Tang S et al. (2018) Complex Pattern Selectivity in Macaque Primary Visual Cortex Revealed by Large-Scale Two-Photon Imaging. Current Biology 28, 38–48.

3) Li M, Liu F, Jiang H, et al. (2017) Long-Term Two-Photon Imaging in Awake Macaque Monkey. Neuron, 2017, 93(5):1049.


One general principle of sensoryinformation processing is that the brain must optimize efficiency by reducing the number of neurons processing the same information. The sparseness of thesensory representations in a population of neurons reflects the efficiency ofthe neural code. Here we employ large-scale 22 two-photon calcium imaging toexamine the responses of a large population of neurons with single-cellresolution, within the superficial layers of area V1,while simultaneouslypresenting a large set of natural visual stimuli, to provide the first directmeasure of the population sparseness in awake primates. The results show thatonly 0.5% of neurons respond strongly to any given natural image—indicating atenfold increase in the inferred sparseness over previous 28 measurements.These population activities are nevertheless necessary and sufficient todiscriminate visual stimuli with high accuracy, suggesting that the neural codein the primary visual cortex is both super-sparse and highly efficient.



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