电气新闻 | 电气学子IEEE会议发表论文

由西交利物浦大学电气与电子工程系2017届毕业生石逸之为第一作者的研究论文,在2017年电机暨电子工程师协会(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers,IEEE)先进封装系统电子设计 (EDAPS) 国际学术会议上发表。同时,该论文也将收录在IEEE Xplore学术文献数据库中。

作为对本科学习阶段和同学一起进行的小组课题研究的延续,在电气与电子工程系Sang Lam博士的指导下,石逸之在本科最后一年的学习中完成了柔性射频传输线项目,他通过使用低成本丝网印刷方法制作的多千兆赫级别无源器件来完善研究中的实验程序。


对于石逸之取得的成绩,Sang Lam博士表示,能够在如此重要的国际学术会议上发表论文是西浦本科生所取得的一项明显成就。 “本科生阶段的研究成果通常是很难发表在IEEE会议上的,但在过去的几年,我们系里一些勤奋的学生,在毕业设计中所做的原创研究都达到了相当的水平,可出版国际学术会议论文。”


“我很感谢研究过程中老师们给予我的帮助,” 石逸之说,“感谢我的导师Sang Lam博士的耐心指导和严格监督,以及Mark Leach博士和林永义教授在传输线的测量和设计方面对我的帮助。”



(供稿:电气与电子工程系 翻译:胡秋辰 编辑:王国娟 )



A research project by an undergraduate student from the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University was presented at a major international conference.

Yizhi Shi, a graduate of the BEng Electronic Scence and Technology programme, completed the project on flexible radio frequency transmission lines under the supervision of Dr Sang Lam of the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering.

“To have a paper accepted for oral presentation at this major conference demonstrates the exceptional accomplishments of undergraduate students at XJTLU,” said Dr Lam.

As a continuation of project work started by fellow students, Yizhi spent the final year of his undergraduate studies on improving experimental procedures for creating multi-gigahertz passive components using a low-cost screen-printing method.

“After repeated attempts I finally managed to successfully make workable, flexible transmission lines and obtain good measurement results,” said Yizhi, who is going on to further study at the University of Melbourne, Australia.

His work was presented in December 2017 at the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Electrical Design of Advanced Packaging and Systems Symposium in Hangzhou, China.

Yizhi’s work demonstrates the feasibility of low-cost radio frequency transmission lines and other passive components printed on thin flexible substrates even when bent. This could potentially lead to wearable electronic applications. The paper with Yizhi as the first author will be published in the reputable IEEE Xplore digital library.

The IEEE is the world's largest technical professional organisation and serves professionals involved in all aspects of the electrical, electronic and computing fields, as well as the related areas of science and technology.

While it is unusual for work done at undergraduate level to be published at IEEE conferences, a few diligent students of XJTLU’s EEE Department have succeeded in producing original research of publishable quality in their Final Year Projects over the past few years. The successes require persistent synergistic efforts of both students and staff in the Department.

Yizhi expressed great appreciation for the help of his FYP supervisor, Dr Sang Lam, for his patient guidance and rigorous supervision.

“I also must give my sincere thanks to Dr Mark Leach and Professor Eng Gee Lim for help with radio frequency measurements and advice on the transmission line design,” said Yizhi.

He also thanked EEE graduate, Zhenzhen Jiang, who is currently working towards her PhD degree with the EEE Department having performed similar work for her Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship project. Zhenzhen is second author of the research paper and presented at the conference as Yizhi was unable to attend.

Professor Kaizhu Huang, head of the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at XJTLU, said:

“I’m pleased with our students’ significant achievements. Our Department is committed to research, teaching, and learning excellence. We have both dedicated academic staff and well-equipped facilities for even our undergraduate students to take part in a broad range of exciting research work.”

For more information on studying and conducting research projects with the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering visit the official webpage.

story provided by the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

edited by Danny Abbasi